Hall Of Fame 2024 – Another Successful Admissions Season

On the evening of July 27, 2024, the GPA Family gathered at Novotel to celebrate the successful global TOP100 study abroad applications of the new students for the 2024-2025 academic year. The success of these students is a source of pride for their families and the senior consulting team at GPA Counseling.

Hall Of Fame is a traditional event of GPA Counseling for each application season, aiming to honor the efforts and growth stories of the new students. This very special “graduation ceremony” is also an opportunity for GPA Group to express gratitude to the parents and students who have trusted in our strategic guidance and support, together creating a history of over a decade of success.

Walk of Fame – The Journey of Application with GPA Counseling

Walk Of Fame narrates the journey of the students’ growth, preserving moments and images from the very beginning when they laid the first bricks on their path to learning and self-development. It showcases the transformation from the initial challenging days to the current achievements. This change is the result of relentless effort, perseverance, and remarkable progress in their educational and personal growth journey.

At the ceremony, representing the new students preparing to enroll in September, Phu Minh, a new student at Columbia University, sincerely thanked the consultants, parents, and friends who had continuously encouraged and assisted throughout the long journey of applying to university.

“Walking on those paths not only has our footprints but also those of our companions and guides. I, and surely all of you sitting here, want to express our gratitude to the brothers, sisters, and advisors who have closely followed our application journey from the first tentative steps with extracurricular projects to receiving admission results. For us, your dedication, commitment, and motivational words during the process helped us overcome the difficulties of that period and also helped us grow.” – Phu Minh, new student at Columbia University, shared.


Phu Minh – Freshmen at Columbia University

The Pride of GPA Counseling in the Application Process

The heartfelt sharing from the new students makes the GPA Counseling team proud and touched, understanding the challenges in their journey to applying to their dream universities. In the joy mixed with emotion at the honoring ceremony, Mr. Pham Huy, Director of Application Services at GPA Counseling, shared, “You have worked hard, overcome stressful exams, bravely faced challenging extracurricular activities, and dared to accept and readily ‘stand up’ after receiving frank feedback on your essays. Your efforts have not only helped you conquer your dream universities like Yale University, Columbia University, Fordham University, Mount Holyoke College, University of Sydney, and the University of Hong Kong but also built a solid foundation for the future, including excellent intellect, a unique set of foundational skills, and especially a beautiful character in your own way.”

University Education as a Crucial Goal

Higher education is an important goal and foundation for students to explore and develop their future. In the process of early study abroad preparation, GPA Counseling not only assists young people in getting accepted into universities that align with their future direction and family goals and obtaining significant scholarships but also helps them mature in values, awareness, knowledge, and skills. These skills will enable them to seize and take advantage of opportunities during their study abroad period and in job searches after graduation.

Accompanying the Future Journey with the Students

Over 12 years of building and developing, GPA Vietnam has accompanied over 50,000 young Vietnamese in equipping knowledge, skills, and capabilities to succeed in a global environment. GPA’s method is to build a unique brand for each application, based on the individual’s starting point and personal goals. The consulting team at GPA is trained in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and Europe, with many years of experience in training and coaching consulting.

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